Follow-up of the 18th Chime Conference
Dear participants!
It is now several weeks ago since we met in Aarhus to discuss and exchange papers and ideas regarding “sound, noise and the everyday” in China. For us, it was a wonderful and stimulating conference, and from the feedback we received we gather that most participants have enjoyed this extraordinary meeting as much as we did.
We'd like to thank all the 90-odd participants for joining the conference and for sharing your research with us! As we mentioned during the meeting, we are planning to publish a conference volume, which shall function as an insightful “reader” and stimulus to further research in this field. The conference title, “Sound, Noise and the Everyday – Soundscapes in China” may also become the volume's title.
If you are willing to contribute to this book, we favour the following process:
1. Please send us the title of your intended contribution before October 15 (In case it differs a lot from your original paper in the meeting, please include a short abstract). All correspondence should go to: Andreas Steen <ostas@cas.au.dk >
2. On the basis of your input we will rethink the title of the publication, if necessary, and invite selected contributions. If your topic is selected, you will receive details regarding guidelines and standards for publication in the course of November.
3. We expect to receive the full draft text of your contribution by 1 March 2015. Please contact us if you foresee special difficulties in matching this deadline.
4. A formal decision about inclusion of your contribution will be taken in the course of April 2015. The editorial process can be expected to take up the remainder of 2015. We aim to publish the book in 2016 or, at the latest, in 2017, co-depending on the publisher's schedule.
At the moment, we are contacting the following publishing houses for this project: Brill (Leiden), Routledge, Taylor & Francis.
If you have any questions regarding this process, don’t hesitate to send us an email.
Pictures of the conference - and also a short film - will soon be available on the CHIME website. We're working on the film right now!
15 October 2014
Andreas Steen
Frank Kouwenhoven
Sound, Noise and the Everyday in China
18th Chime Conference
21-24 August 2014, Aarhus, Denmark
China is filled with sounds; indeed, some people would say that it is a noisy place. Some sounds immediately come to mind, for example those of music, radio and TV broadcasts, along with blaring loudspeakers, public announcements and street conversations, or speech/language and communication more generally. Sounds appear everywhere, with a variety of different intentions and meanings; the same can be said for noise and silence.
Aarhus University and CHIME invited scholars from all disciplines to explore 'sounds & noise' in China. This conference (featuring for CHIME as its 18th International Meeting) does not focus on any particular historical period or research methodology, but seeks for the first time to bring scholars together who share an interest in aspects related to sound.
Can we identify a specific Chinese sound? If so, where are the roots to be found, and how did this sound achieve its current form? Sound production, associations and entanglements, meanings and (listening) effects as well as issues of promotion, manipulation and elimination will be discussed in relation to Chinese history, culture, society and politics.
To download the final conference programme, download the pdf document below.
A publication is in preparation.
For further information please contact: Andreas Steen, Associate Professor at Aarhus University, email: ostas@hum.au.dk Tel. +45-87162375.
or Frank Kouwenhoven at CHIME, email: chime@wxs.nl
Tel. +31-71-5133123 or 5133794, Mob. 06-4029.3426