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24th International CHIME Conference / 6th Lisbon conference: 
Chinese Music and Musical Instruments 
Lisbon/Mafra, Portugal 9–13 May 2023



Lisbon has been a warm and welcoming place for scholars of Chinese music ever since CCCM, the Macao Scientific and Cultural Centre in Lisbon, started its formidable series of meetings on Chinese Music and Musical Instruments in 2016. This is already the sixth annual edition of that series, as well as the second time that Lisbon hosts an international CHIME conference. The event will take place under the patronage of Fundação Jorge Álvares, with additional support from the Municipality of Mafra, who will host the final two days of our conference at the National Palace of Mafra. The first three days will be held at CCCM. 


Organizing institutions: 
* The Macao Scientific and Cultural Centre in Lisbon 
* The European Foundation for Chinese Music Research (CHIME) 
* The Municipality of Mafra 
* The Institute of Ethnomusicology oft the New University of Lisbon 
* The Confucius Institutes of the Universities of Aveiro and Minho. 


Apart from the overall theme of Chinese musical instruments, we identify the following sub-themes: 

* Music and musical instruments of indigenous groups in China 
* Chinese musical instruments in Western collections 
* Chinese musical instruments in Western iconography 



As in every CHIME meeting, we also provide room for presentations on ongoing research in Chinese music. We look forward to an exciting programme, including films, panels, concerts, recitals and more. Guest performers in this edition include Chiang Chia-Lin, liuqin (Freiburg), Wang Yaping,yangqin (Paris), Naqin, horsehead fiddle (Ortos, Inner Mongolia), Mukkadas Mijit, Uyghur dance (France), Javanese Gamelan ensemble Pedro Roxo and Vanessa Gonçalves (Lisbon), Théâtre du Petit Miroir, Chinese shadow theatre (Paris), and further singers, instrumentalists and composers from China, Australia, Canada and the United States.

For a preliminary programme, check here.


Programme Committee 
The Programme Committee for the Lisbon conference consists of Frank Kouwenhoven (CHIME, The Netherlands), François Picard (Emeritus Professor of Université Paris-Sorbonne), Helen Rees (Department of Ethnomusicology, UCLA, Los Angeles) and Enio de Souza (Instituto de Etnomusicologia, Centro de Estudos em Música e Dança/FCSH/UNL). 

We have invited students, scholars and artists in the realm of Chinese music, including speakers from the People’s Republic of China and from other parts of Asia, to submit proposals for individual papers or panels.


Abstracts / Participation
The deadline for submitting abstracts has passed, but anyone interested in joining the meeting as a listener is very welcome. Please contact Dr Enio de Souza at CCOM in Lisbon (email:  for pre-registration. 

The registration fee for speakers is 120 Euros (80 Euros for students), and for listeners it is 30 Euros. to be paid in  cash upon arrival. The amount includes catering during coffee and tea breaks, a book of abstracts, free admission to concerts and a contribution towards the organizatory costs.

The conference and presentations will primarily be held in English. 


Location / accommodation in Lisbon

The first three days of the meeting are held at the Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre, rua da Junqueira 30, 1300-343 Lisboa.  This is located in the Ajuda Quarter of Lisbon, fairly close to the  Ponte 25 de Abril, and not far from the world-famous Jerónimos Monastery and Belem Tower. The    final two days of the meeting take place at the gorgeous Royal Palace in Mafra, as two day-trips, meaning that we will still stay overnight in Lisbon.


SITES (Hotels | AIRBNB) 


Hotel Vila Galé Ópera **** 

Travessa do Conde da Ponte 141 

1300-141 Lisboa 

Tel. (351) 21 360 5400 


VIP Inn Berna Hotel *** 

Rua Ivone Silva, 18 

1050-124 Lisboa 

Tel. (351) 217 814 400 


Hotel Açores *** 

Av. Columbano Bordalo Pinheiro 3 

1070- 060 Lisboa 

Tel. (351) 21 722 2920


Hotel Zurique *** 

Rua Ivone Silva 18, 

1050-124 Lisboa 

Tel. (351) 21 781 4000 


Novotel **** 

Avenida José Malhoa 11A 

1099-051 Lisboa 

Tel. (351) 21 724 4800 



More CHIME meetings coming up….

If you wish to present a paper in CHIME or join one of our future meetings, please do bear in mind our next major conference, which will be our 25th anniversary edition, from 1 to 4 October in Heidelberg, Germany. For more on the 25th CHIME, check here.




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